We are in a turbulence zone. Where “Communism by the drink” was advancing steadily, the flares are up, and the people who care enough about the difference between right and wrong to work to understand their world can see clearly enough the enemies. They are those who reject in principle the possibility of personal growth, the desirability of personal freedom, the possibility of God, and in the end the desirability of life itself. They sustain themselves, like vampires, in the hope of damaging others.
This conflict will not last. Our opponents have nothing creative to offer. They solve no problems: they fix no marriages; they heal no unhealthy homes; they do not create jobs; they provide no sustainable sense of meaning; they do not promote peace with dignity; they do not promote prosperity; they do not foster useful dialogue on important issues; they do not coexist with cultural others in peace.
All that needs to happen to reverse their gains is LIGHT. The counterattack will consist in daily working to achieve coherent understandings of all parts of the issues that confront us, and communicate them to others. Do not accept in silence those working to sow lies without asking them to justify those lies in the face of plainly available facts. They will not be able to do it.
What I think ordinary, working Americans of common sense and good will need to begin EXPECTING is a better nation. We can solve all our problems. We can survive into the 22nd century and beyond. There is no compelling reason to doubt this. Let us being working as if this is an inevitable outcome.