I in the process of erledigen the mails to Harvard. I just sent one to Larry Summers, clearly one of the power elite. I sent emails to a number of Nobel Laureates at the University of Chicago.
And you might say “it’s pretty ballsy, sending emails to these people telling them they have missed the forest for the trees–or implying that they are a part of a conspiracy to end what they call “global Capitalism” using trickery”–and all I can say is: yes, it is.
So what? The fucking Emperor has no fucking clothes. If I am the only one who can see both this fact and propose what to me is the only rational solution, then so be it. I am accustomed to solitude, and to being misunderstood. Neither frightens me.
My IQ is 150 or so. It’s high, but not super-high. Most of these people likely test significantly higher than me.
But I would argue that courage and imagination and openness, so-called “Beginner’s Mind” is of primary importance, once you reach a certain level of intelligence.
Vanity and habit and cowardice fuck so many things up.
Edit: Schon erledigt.
Let the silence begin.
I may never hear a word from anyone, but I tried. And I will try again. And again.
There is a scene in Gates of Fire where they practice “tree fucking”, which is pushing with all their might against an immovable object. Nothing can be done there. But it is good training for things which DO move.