
Acton Rephrased

When you concentrate power, sooner or later you will have concentrated evil.

Corollary: all utopias, if they are to be other than abusive fantasies perpetrated by skilled liars, must begin with plans for INDIVIDUAL moral betterment.

It would not be an exaggeration, I dont think, to say my whole scope of work is largely based on this latter precept.

Marx has little to say about how one given person might better himself. Why? He was a shithead. An amoral, frustrated angry resentful caricature of a decent human being. And he hated decent human beings. This is more or less directly what is connoted with the insult “bourgeois”.

This is what is epitomized with the Leftist embrace of Sade, Satan, and the transfiguration of morals based on no more intelligent criterion than destroying what is, with no plan to replace it.