
Dave Chappelle

I watched Sticks and Stones.  Given all his jokes about pedophilia–which came really, really close to condoning it–it’s amazing the fuss was about his car with a G driver, an L passenger, and a B and a T in the back.

I can’t really think too many gay men seriously disagreed with his comedy.  Transgenders are a bit of a problem for them, apparently, and apparently quite militant about it.  And they probably ARE driving the car because they DO know the road.

Shit, it’s literally conceivable this whole thing could drive gay men and some large number of lesbians into the Trump camp.  I think he’s smart enough to fete them and treat them right.  Even they have got to be getting sick of the crazy.

I think most Republicans are fine with “if it’s not affecting me personally, fuck it.”  This is certainly a development, but not a bad one, I don’t think.  I won’t say there have been no benefits at all, socially, to left wing agitation.  It is simply manic, obsessive, and denuded of any core goal other than shaking the shit out of every structure of society which works.

When nothing works because nobody wants to do their job, because they are fucking entitled morons, THEN people will get where all this was heading.

Gays and Lesbians will be hurt as much as anyone else.  General decline is general decline. I think more and more are seeing this.