
The scariest thing about COVID

I was at an higher educational institution the other day for some reason, and they had reimposed a mask mandate.

And it hit me that the scariest thing about COVID is not even that it showed how easily corrupted by money our educational institutions and government agencies are.  I would have thought the NIH and CDC were honest, but was proven wrong.

No, the scariest thing is it showed CLEARLY how utterly we are failing to teach BASIC critical thinking in our schools at all levels.  Nothing in a Liberal educational curriculum is supposed to teach blind obedience to Authority.  On the contrary, it is supposed to teach the history of the crimes and disasters that followed blind obedience.  The whole POINT of freedom and an open society (which is what we have now, and what George Soros has been working all his life to bring an end to) is that you leverage all the minds within it.  We are all only smarter together if we are all bringing our own perspectives to things.  If your perspective is identical in every particular to that on the TV, then you add nothing.

So whenever you see a college student, or person you know to be a college graduate, wearing a mask–especially now, but arguably at any point in the pandemic, since no university should have been stupid enough to go along with the mask mandates–what you are seeing is a symptom of endemic educational failure.

This, to me, is the most frightening thing about this time in general.  If we can get mostly fair elections, we can get Donald Trump in office, along with a decent crop of honest patriots, where they may well deliver the wrecking ball this fucking disaster of a government needs.  But that will do nothing to cure people of fear based conformity, or the habit of letting others tell them what to think.