
Proud Boys

I keep seeing this group described as “right wing extremists” and as engaged in “political violence”, yet when I look up details, there are none.

Read this link:

One guy hit a protester with a stick.  There was a street fight in New York after Anti-Liberals chased them down the street.  A good chunk of this was filmed, and it looked to me like the Proud Boys were defending themselves from people who were chasing them.

And that’s about it.  There is nothing “neo-Nazi” about most of them.  I’ve talked to a couple in bars, and they are normal guys who are just sick of being shit on by the media every fucking day.  White males are insulted and denigrated literally every day.  I read today that I think in Minneapolis if they have a reduction in force the rules now read to fire white people first.  That’s overt racism.  It’s not unreasonable to be angry about overt racism, or people calling for the deaths of white people, as has happened dozens of times in the past few years, as articulated by professors and leaders of various sorts who keep their jobs and rarely face sanction.  Some do, thankfully, but many are clearly congratulated for their “courage” by coworkers and students.

So this whole violent, neo-Nazi lie is more or less akin to, and bears a strong family resemblance to, the ACTUAL Nazi claim that Jews were undermining Germany, and preventing her freedom and flourishing.  It was always a lie, but enough Germans believed it that you know what happened.

And I have been told that, say, the ADL claims White Supremacists are super violent, scary, and who we need to be worrying about.  Here, they claim they commit most of the murders:

Here is the problem: the number is 26 out of 29.  By their way of reckoning, 26 out of 29 makes “white supremacists” the most dangerous group out there, justifying enormous FBI resources.  The problem is that all or nearly all of these murders are by biker gangs and prison gangs, and nearly all involve personal conflicts unrelated directly to race.  Do some digging.  Prove me wrong.

Here is the thing: whenever there is even the most flimsy and insubstantial POSSIBLE connection to white supremacy in acts of violence, it enters a news cycle it never really leaves.  The initial impetus for the protests in Charlottesville were to prevent the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue.  People argued it was part of their history, and that once started, historical revisionism through physical violence to artifacts of history would be hard to stop.  In the event, they were right.  Even Frederick Douglass was not immune, for reasons fully opaque to me.  Stupid is as stupid does, I suppose.  Then people they did not invite showed up, on both sides, and the Mayor ordered the police back to do what he could to ensure violence.  That is factually what happened.  Factually, Trump EXPLICTLY denounced the racists, in the part of that speech none of these lying jackasses ever quote.

But to take one obvious example, the Hell’s Angels, I am told by several people in Motorcycle Clubs, as they prefer to be called, told that that club is for “white boys”.  It was a black member of the Chosen Few who told me this, and biking was a huge part of his life.  It was later validated by someone I was talking with who had a relative who went to jail for the Hell’s Angels.  It’s white men and their women, and it has always been that way, or so I am told.

These are the sorts of people committing the VERY small number of murders that anti-Liberal jackasses are using to push their conspiracy theories about alleged right wing radicalism.  Our “right wing radicalism” is fucking hot dogs and ice cream on the 4th of July, a Christmas exhibit in the town square, and the right not to have racial insults thrown at us continually by mentally ill moral defectives and incompetents.

And consider this:

In 2020 those identifying or identified as Black or African American made up 13.5% of the U.S. population, according to CDC estimates (that for definitional and other reasons don’t quite match the results of the 2020 U.S. Census). They also made up 55.6% of the homicide victims, and 65.6% of the increase in homicides relative to 2019. To put it another way, the homicide rate for Black Americans rose from 22.9 per 100,000 in 2019 to 30.7 in 2020. For all other Americans, the rate went from 3.2 to 3.8.

This whole rate way of calculating things makes some sense, but it still forces you to do some math that is normally not provided, in this case no doubt because the raw numbers are scary.

Assuming roughly 330 million Americans, then 13.5 equals 44.5 million.  44.5 million divided by 100,000 yields 445, which becomes our multiplier.  445 time 30.7–the murder rate per 100,000–gets us 6,096.

So, we live in a world where 26 murders–mostly or exclusively of bikers or prison inmates killing rivals, and possibly not even of minorities, since if the ACT was committed by a person who meets their definition of white supremacy then the murder then becomes a white supremacist murder, even if it is of another white supremacist–are the global and nearly exclusive focus of the news and national “law enforcement” agencies, but 6,000 murders are just something we need to forget about.

6,096 divided by 26 is 234.  So for every claimed “white supremacist” murder, 234 black folks, mostly young men, were killed, the overwhelming majority of them by other young black men, and very commonly using illegal weapons in cities where gun ownership was made more difficult by laws enacted by people who had bodyguards or who lived in gated communities, far from the violence.

I look at this stuff, and I just scowl.  I’m more educated than most, but none of this stuff is tough.  None of it is that complicated.  What I just did took twenty minutes.   A responsible reporter could do much better in two hours, and two days would put a nail in the coffin with respect to any possible dissent.  There’s just no there, there, apparently because there’s no Here, there, either.  These people live in the mist, floating aimlessly through the fog, not knowing where they are, where they are going, or where they have been, and yet somehow managing to be always angry and always certain their idiotic viewpoints are the only correct ones.