
Global warming

I will note the first post on this blog, published some 14 years ago, deals with global warming at length.

Short version: it is bullshit. The “science” looks exactly like the “science” behind lockdowns, masks, and “vaccines”, which is to the only real difference is that intelligent, motivated, formerly honest people have been whoring themselves out for decades rather than years.

Slightly longer:

1) The Earth has been covered in ice and devoid of ice. Everything in between is thus in the range of natural variation.

1.1) The resolution of the ice cores used for all this is 1,000 years or so, so no honest SCIENTIST can say anything about this period, nor WOULD they.

2) The only relevant temperatures are those about one mile up, in the Upper Troposphere, both because they are much more stable, and thus easier to average, and more importantly because THIS IS WHERE THE HYPOTHESIS (if it were formatted as an hypothesis, which would mean falsifiable, which would mean there would be SOMETHING, like a snow storm in Miami on July 4th, which would cause the Warmists to say “we were wrong; right now they would just call the snow “clinate change” and double down until wooly mammoths make a reappearance) predicts the warming must ORIGINATE.

Water vapor is the main greenhouse gas in the lower atmosphere. That only transitions to a CO2 dominance higher up. Whatever climate forcing might happen would show up as rapid differential warming there.

This prediction is how global warming would or could become a formally scientific hypothesis.

3) The science is therefor corrupt, since there are enormous and known problems with ground measurements, not least that many are generated without measurement using algorithms that assume warming.

4) People who lie once will lie twice; and if they will lie about one thing most will lie about anything.

5) Ergo: we all need to fight this bullshit as sggressively as possible. It is pure fucking lunacy, just like COVID.

If these narcissistic solipsists get their way, millions will die and billions will suffer, all for NO REASON.  These rotten human beings DO NOT CARE. Period.