
Baret and Kum Nye

Everything Baret describes is in Kum Nye, with the difference that the resources offered by Kum Nye are VASTLY more comprehensive.

But having said that, it was useful for me personally to hear a different sort of voice.

Both come from non-dualist perspective. The Sanskrit is Advaita and in my understanding the Tibetan Dzogchen.

Sit and feel your body: this is I think literally the first exercise after a few oriented around sitting properly.

Learn to feel joy without an object: this is, if memory serves, two exercises later.

Feel your shoulders, your feet: THIS IS THE WHOLE SYSTEM, which amounts to intentional evocation and then listening to the following resonance.

You have breathing exercises of various sorts, which include mantra meditations, then you have massage, which is an EXCELLENT way to get to know your body in detail, inch by inch.

Finally, in the first set of books, you have well over 100 specific ways of awakening attention and following energy.

In Joy of Being you are working more with the energy and space around you. The exercises are more advanced. They are in general physically easier, but depend for their effect on more refined attrntion.

And Kum Nye Dancing, if I am honest, I dont really understand, physically or conceptually.

If I had to guess—and I don’t but I will anyway—I would suspect that the first two books concern Space and the Dancing is creating Space within Time.

I don’t know what that might mean, but I sure think it looks smart.