
Crop Circles

If you look at enough pictures of crop circles, it is pretty obvious, to me at least, that they were not created in the middle of the night by guys smashing down grass with plywood and 2’x4’s.  Some, perhaps, but not the biggest and best ones.

So it seems reasonable to infer they are a message of sorts, perhaps from spirits of some sort, or “aliens” who are unknown to us, or at least most of us.

And what would that message be?  It seems to me it would be looking for a reactive intelligence, an informational surface, a system which could be set in movement by a symbolic hello.

And logically the appropriate reaction would be to say hello back, would it not?  To create our OWN crop circle, consciously, and after some thought and care?

And until such a thing is done, this intelligence can most likely reliably infer that whatever is going on down here, it is not truly intelligent.  It is not truly ORDERED in a deep way.  And this is true.  We are only superficially ordered.  Most of us are deeply stupid in all the ways that matter.

Imagine me having to say this, and for that matter, having only just now thought this.