

Trump wants to take a reasonable, balanced approach, based on what I think most of us think is the bad advice of Anthony Fauci.  He’s understood Fauci would be fine locking most Americans in their basements at gunpoint for his own convenience, since Fauci seems to view the virus as his main interest, with people and their lives merely existing as distractions.

But Trump, like the rest of us, didn’t know what he didn’t know three weeks ago.  So he recommended people err on the side of caution.  Had he not, and had this thing blown up, he would have perhaps deserved some portion of the blame which is directed at him no matter what he does or says, or does not do, or does not say. Orange man bad daily, details to be announced as they are determined.

Here is the thing: Democrats are not just trying to take the opposite approach specifically, but in tone also.  Where Trump is trying to balance and moderate, they want to unbalance, and unmoderate.  They want a long term, draconian shut down enforced with the nastiest police they can find.

There are really three strands to balance: the disease itself, the proportionality and Constitutionality of the policy response, and the needs of ordinary people to be able to feed, clothe and house themselves with honest work.

Democrats have developed a monomaniacal focus on the first, and discarded the other two.  The forest may contain lions, tigers and bears, but they only count the lions.

How many times do Americans really need to see the contempt Democrats have for ordinary people, working ordinary jobs, making ordinary money, and living ordinary lives?  They have no USE for such people, especially if they are white, but it’s really not any better if they are black, latino, or Other.  There is no principle left.  There is no honest compassion left.

I will recall to your mind the hatred intellectuals everywhere have felt for the middle classes in all their countries.  What they wanted was warfare.  Warfare between a “working class” that didn’t even necessarily exist (Russia, Cambodia), and a power elite.  The bourgeoisie got in the way, because they were actually pretty comfortable.  This means they didn’t want to tear down the fabric of the society.  Since the intellectuals DID want to tear everything down, on the assumption that good things would happen in the aftermath of mass destruction, they hated, and still hate, the middle class.

Right now, they are calling people who just want to go back to work “right wing extremists”.  Ponder that.  Ponder that these are the same people who preach compassion, and who once claimed to care about the poor.  The poor are hurting the MOST right now.  But they don’t want them working.  They want them suffering.  If they can get good numbers of dead from black Americans, well that is Progress, right?