The thing, I think, with kids who emerge into kidhood with shame is they become targets. If you are already lacking confidence, you will, in many cases, wind up being mocked and bullied, UNLESS you become a mocker and bullier, which I never did. At least, I never did as a kid, that I can remember. There were likely episodes my unconscious snuck by me, which is, I think, how these things tend to work.
And of course on the internet I certainly DO mock people. I claim they deserve it, which most but not all of them do, but of course I cannot claim that mocking people helps my cause. So that makes all this something worth processing if I want to be able to honestly raise my self estimation.
I would submit, though, that I almost became an academic. Had I done so, I would have labored, largely in obscurity, on abstruse, complex, not really very interesting for most people topics, and much of my inner life would have been spent screaming to no one “what about ME?”
I really, really think this is the emotional soil in which left wing politics take root. Collectivism, in all its form, really needs to be seen as an emotional punishment which is inflicted on its victims in a spirit of rage, not compassion, in a spirit of vindictiveness, not justice.
And of course we all lie to ourselves. It’s not hard, once you develop the habit. And at some point, your very awareness that you ARE lying makes you even angrier at everyone else. This is really what I see on the internet.
Recently, I’ve been interacting on the Facebook page of a lot of smart people. Individually I’m sure all would do well on IQ tests, averaging somewhere, most likely, between 140-160.
But they interact with dissidents on the internet like children, like bullying children. No longer do they attempt to weigh and integrate all available facts. No longer do they seek dispassion and honest intellectual work. It’s all reflexive, dogmatic, inflexible, stupid.
As I’ve said for years, it’s really a question of social psychology, not political wisdom. In my view, what is intelligent politically is really not that hard to determine. Most of the time, the choices are between doing something that always fails, for reasons we can describe, or something that always works, again for reasons we can describe.
The difference is not in honest consideration of economic and political history, but rather between what one group of people WANTS to be true, and what IS true. This is the fight we are having right now. And the specific fight over the virus literally consists, at this moment, in a fight over whether we use the data we had 6-8 weeks ago, or the data we had 2 weeks ago, and continue to gather now, which mitigates STRONGLY against the response we undertook 6-8 weeks ago.
As I pointed out to someone, the history of Leftism really consists in three phases 1) the phase when the ideas seemed tenable; 2) the phase when the ideas failed, repeatedly, all around the world, and with all manner of leaders; and 3) the present, when all Leftists REFUSE TO LEARN THE LESSONS OF HISTORY.
There was also, in recent months, 1) a time when it seemed the virus was overwhelming and devastating. Policy was enacted based on that assumption. That policy 2) failed, because the wave of new cases we were told to expect WITH the quarantine–which was just supposed to mitigate the severity of the overload–never appeared. On the contrary, we have many hospitals on the verge of bankruptcy, and many, many cases of doctors telling us they are being pressured to list nearly all deaths as COVID related because it helps reimbursement and. So 3) everyone insisting that we have to continue these quarantines almost indefinitely has not–because they refuse to–LEARNED THE LESSON.
All those people are saying “WHAT ABOUT ME?” They are not done punishing the human race for itself being a virus. They are not done punishing America for electing Trump. They are not done with their self important lies about how everyone who wants to go back to work is a “right wing extremist” and even “brown shirt”.
The whole thing is based on hate and resentment. I have called Left wing politics a morality which demands an economic policy which in turn demands a political system.
But that morality, itself, depends on the emotions of greed, resentment, envy, and vindictiveness. It is no morality at all.