Think about this: a vaccine is the disease, but dead. But vaccines, themselves, are cultivated. The disease, itself, is grown on a variety of media, including mashed up human and animal babies (as I understand it). That disease is then killed, processed, then injected into humans. But a lot of stuff in addition to the disease is added, and some of it seems to be harmful in and of itself.
Vaccination, itself, is a means of slowly introducing a disease into people in such a way that they build up immunity. What if introducing the disease ITSELF could be made safer? What if one tiny, tiny droplet were introduced into someone at peak immunity, say with oxygenated blood, maybe even on an IV of some sort.
I know Big Money is involved in all this, as are all manner of Personality Disorders, mainly Antisocial Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
But I’m just throwing that out there. Why not think new thoughts? All the old ones are thought already.