
The purpose of this blog

Every couple of years I feel like I should comment on my goal with this blog.  I want talented thoughtful people to read it, think about it, then riff on the themes I discuss that resonate with them.

I want creative theft.  I want you to take my ideas and do with them, but do in YOUR way.

The CEO of a company you have likely heard of offered to help me monetize this blog, but that just feels a bit gross to me.  It was a generous offer, for which I was grateful, but I turned him down.  I have no objections to money, but no matter what I might have been selling, it would change the feeling.  It is pure, as it is.  I have no strings, no limits, no considerations other than what I myself think and feel.  There is no one’s opinion I need pay attention to.  I am completely free, and that feels good to me.

This blog really is therapeutic for me.  As I have said before, it is mostly the talking itself that helps, not the being heard.