
COVID control

 I have been saying for I don’t know how many months now that if we use the flu vaccines as a likely analogue, that the COVID vaccines will not confer full immunity and will likely make a lot of people sick.

This appears to be the case. Logically this means that we STILL have to get Herd Immunity and this is just one tool. This thing will continue to cycle around, perhaps indefinitely, but in waves. Farr’s Law.

The focus needs to be building people’s immunity. This has always been the case. We need EVERYONE taking 1,000 iu of Vitamin D daily, and perhaps during waves 30mg of zinc and 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, both of which shorten duration and severity and alone are enough to keep most people out of the hospital.

Add to this HCQ and Ivervectin and the thing is managed, although it would not hurt to tell fat people they are more likely to die and to suffer complications. There can be no doubt that obesity will kill more people in the next ten years than COVID-19.

I would make this point, though: therr is no respect in which a national or international vaccination registry or card, or subdermal chip is something othet than a tyrranical abuse. You can be vaccinated and STILL be a carrier. You can be vaccinated and STILL get the disease if you are exposed to it. It always was and remains the case that IF YOU HAVE NO SYMPTOMS YOU ARE NOT SICK. And if you are not sick you cannot infect anyone, even if you are not wearing a mask and sneeze or cough.

It seems to me that if anything, vaccination papers (youh papahs pleaz) will increase the spread, like masks, by creating a false sense of security. And if in the process we add one more brick in the Orwellian wall separating us from freedom and personal dignity, the whole idea becomes demonstrable lunacy.

This is nearly all insanity. It cannot be said too often.