If you feel lonely, alienated, disaffected, then it is not really that hard to blame the “system”. And Communism, really, offers nothing more or less than an alternative to that “system”, as seen mythically.
In reality, of course, breaking things does not make them better. Destruction does not lead to creation of anything good. Everything good is built on the foundation of something not quite as good, and that in turn on something worse. But you always start with the foundation. You don’t raze the foundation, then wait for a miracle, which is more or less the actual Communist process.
Anger underlies all this. As I have argued, feeling misunderstood, feeling that your social relationships are superficial, FEELS to some part of each of us as an assault, an attack, perhaps a rape even, an invasion of unwanted energy.
Ironically and cruelly enough, though, Communism actually accelerates and deepens social alienation. Communists have no use for individuals, or personal feelings, or one to one sensitive and emotionally probing discussions. They substitute anger and violence for connection and profundity.
This is why gangsters are so popular with Leftists, starting perhaps with Brecht’s Three Penny Opera, which gave us Mack the Knife.
But the whole things starts with a longing for something else. Something new, over the hills. A way out of loneliness and despair. A bright shining light that has room for you too.
The siren’s song of this myth–and I mean it in both senses–is strong right now. We were just gut punched by our own governments, and that is no doubt creating all sorts of emotional craziness and longing for the release provided by bad ideas.
Enough on that.
I will also discuss briefly a template I am considering. Within Kum Nye different energy centers–chakras–are considered to have differing speeds and qualities of energy. Gut energy is grounding. It is what connects you to the land, to a place, to a rooted sense of self. It is slow and cthonic. This, in any event, is my present understanding of the theory. The gut provides the lasting, defining emotions and emotional energy.
The head–the brow chakra–in contrast is fast, light, ephemeral, constantly changing. It provides the energy for abstract thought. But it is the opposite of grounded. It is forever “up in the air”. It is a bird, a butterfly.
Given how much our present society prioritizes both the abstract and the visual (via TV and most media generally), which are both mainly processed energetically in the head, it is very easy to lose touch with the lower tones, and lower speeds, of the lower chakras. And in point of fact, most of us seem to have done so.
The work of Kum Nye, in large measure, is restoring balance, by providing a steady supply of stable energy which creates an affective home of sorts in which you can live. It is a portable home, a reliable home.
All the energies of all the energy centers can be balanced and even, or spasmodic, constricted and choppy.
Energetically, the thing with Communism is they invoke the gut energy, but in a fitful manner characterized by rage, destruction, and violence. They don’t do it consciously. They rationalize it using their head energy, but what is really sought unconsciously is a release of energy they are otherwise completely disconnected from.
The heart chakra, of course, is love and connection and innate wisdom. It is the source of the best feelings. But what I am arguing is that people who need love–and we all need love–find themselves tearing down the world for reasons they themselves don’t really understand emotionally, even if they have glib and wrong answers intellectually.
We are seeing this on our streets today. We are seeing this, too, in the lockdowns imposed by people trying to destroy America in order to, as they falsely claim, save it. There is no love there. There is no good there.