
The Cost of Lies

Some people say that little white lies don’t hurt.  I tend to disagree.  As one concrete example, masks don’t do shit as far as viruses, and particularly anything BUT an N95 mask.

It MIGHT have made sense to mandate N95 masks, but they are expensive, in relatively short supply–or would have been for quite some time–and to be used properly need to be replaced after one or at most two uses.  That is my understanding.

You can argue, as the New England Journal of Medicine was in effect bullied into arguing, that they make people feel more safe.  They create greater peace of mind.

This feeling of safety is illusory.  It is social manipulation  And here is the thing: the lie is not without cost.

Here is an argument I will repeat, before moving on.  In my personal  view, masks INCREASE both infections and following deaths slightly.  They did this by creating a false sense of security, such that I have on many occasions seen three masked people huddled together closely talking, and doing because THEY COULD NOT UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING MASKS.

Given that masks don’t stop aerosolized viruses, this made infection MORE, not less likely.  If they had been able to understand each other, they might have been farther apart.  It seems possible for the virus to spread 20-30′, but the largest concentration is going to be within 5′ or so of the infected person.  The 24″ spacing I saw often, obviously, is less than that.

And as I’ve said, masks gave mildly sick people an excuse to go out.  Maybe your only symptom was a headache.  Well, you otherwise feel fine, and in any event, the mask protects others from you.  Only it doesn’t.

So on the one side we have bad science being used to buttress what amounts to social policy.  And on the other, we have the consequences.  As said, increased infections are likely one outcome.

But there are others.  I think the psychological trauma of masks will last a LONG time, particularly in kids, who are more or less being trained to be hypochondriacs and germaphobes.  They are being trained to OCD in various forms.

And the RAGE that was directed by the Covidian Fundamentalists at heretics is not something I myself will forget any time soon.  There are businesses in my town I will never go to again.  I have a shit list, and I have a list of people who were cool.  And it is MADNESS to me to think this shit is STILL GOING ON in many places.  Batshit insanity.

And most experts think several billion masks will wind up in the oceans.

It took me a minute, but that brings me to my point: there are real, physical outcomes to lies chosen by our elites.  Those billion masks are physical things, that will directly affect living things, including human beings.  Those masks will ONLY be there because they LIED TO US.   That is an undeniable physical cost to their lies.

And more generally, global warming–as I argued at length in the very first post on this blog (just go back to the Beginning)–is bullshit.  The Earth may well be warming, and we may be affecting it SLIGHTLY (that is the WHOLE source of actually scientific, rather than political, controversy), but not much.  It is not an emergency.

We are being told Global Warming is an emergency, which all educated policy makers know is a lie, because it is a PRETEXT for a power grab by the elites.

But this lie has consequences too.  Here is what I would argue: plastics, in our water ways, oceans, estuaries, lakes, and streams, are a VASTLY more clear and present danger than global warming.  But precisely BECAUSE global warming (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming, to be clear) is bullshit, they CAN’T ADMIT IT.  So they keep pushing this idiocy, when in fact GENUINE potential crises NEED TO BE ADDRESSED.

I don’t believe in absolute moral principles (other than my three), but the importance of honesty in the public domain is close to it.  Nothing good comes from lies, even when told with what was once benign intent.  One lies leads to another lie, and the people telling these things get so tangled up and eventually confused themselves that INTELLIGENCE BECOMES IMPOSSIBLE.

Never make intelligence impossible.  I will amend a post I made a while back that lies and censorship act as a sort of intellectual Gresham’s Law, and together drive out all good ideas, and eventually all good PEOPLE.