
Why not step even farther into heresy?

I remember Edward de Bono once proposing that maybe the Middle East just needed more B vitamins.

In that vein, I would like to propose that rates of violent crime are higher in black communities–and they ARE higher, by the way–than most other ethnic groups–is that Vitamin D deficiency makes depression more likely, and depression often leads to irrational violence.

Here is a link on D and depression:

Now, one of my recurring themes is that you should NEVER look for The problem, or THE issue.  This may play a role.  It may not.  But what do we have to lose by trying it?

I honestly think my proposal of government (taxpayer) funded nutritional supplementation among the black community is more likely to help on balance than any other proposal put on the table by the Left of which I am aware, certainly including “reparations”, which are money paid by the innocent, to those who have not been harmed, all in effect so that a power elite of Uncle and Aunt Tom’s and their white backers can create the illusion that they are doing something other than using their positions to get rich, and have the power to fuck with whomever they want, with impunity.

To my mind, if a deficiency of any sort is obviously present, and it is easily corrected, it SHOULD be corrected.  No rocket science happening there.