
Deriving Cultural Sadeism, and the abstraction illness

I was thinking about how Democrats have failed the black community.  Think about this: as a friend, would it not make more sense for you to help someone become better as a person, as a worker, than to try and engineer a system which in theory promises rewards without effort?

Would you not, as a compassionate, caring person looking to the future, want to do everything possible to engineer the best schooling, the most social support for parenting and child care, and the best ideas and practices for young mothers?

Looking at those who have arrogated to themselves the right and the pulpit to speak for black people, they would, most of them, rather deny the value of integrity and hard work outright, than admit that the system actually exists to re-enslave blacks, and to keep them perpetually dependent.

Those social programs, which sort of kind of but not really help?  They exist in order that a threat can be made that they will be taken away.  Better vote for me, or that program will disappear.  They are tethers, tying the people who use blacks, with blacks who continue to trust the wrong people out of some combination of desperation, laziness, ignorance and fear.

But look at the “leader”.  They are quite willing to deny all the moral values of our civilization.  They do not value truth, honor, dignity, hard work, sacrifice, or any other of the things that built America and every other successful nation.

So the question has to be asked: if they are not motivated by morality, then why are they trying to claim they care about blacks?

Then the circle closes, and you realize it is all about THEM, about the “leaders”, about the psychopaths who will say and do whatever they need to to keep control.

But for many of them–take your average Berkeley professor of something useless–there is a superficial layer of honesty and seeming sincerity.  They believe that they believe what they say they do, even if their long term actions betray the fallacy of that belief.

Unprocessed gut emotional energy is really, for all intents and purposes, the “Shadow” of Jung and others.

And this energy LOVES to hide in the process of abstraction.  The details don’t matter.  You can be on one side or the other.  It makes no difference.  The point is living in your head to consciously escape your inner ugliness, greed, hate, and latent violence.

Many, many of these people are only too happy to do the work to become full time “abstractors”.

And I would differentiate in this regard useful sciences from most of the Humanities.  In the sciences, the abstraction serves a PURPOSE.  E=MC2 allows you the built a nuclear bomb, or harness nuclear energy.

In the Humanities however the abstraction is autotelic (to use Csikzentmihalyi’s term): it is it own goal.  The abstraction is the purpose.  This is the core reality.  And the purpose beneath the purpose is hiding from the individual and the world their inner ugliness, their shadow.

But emotionally this makes little sense, particularly for people who want to feel like they MATTER.  So they apply autotelic abstraction to real world problems.  The goal is not to solve problems–it remains a fundamentally self absorbed and narcissistic activity–but it does produce many, many pronouncements on how to THINK about problems, which they view as tantamount to a solution.

Thus, even highly intelligent people in any other context are willing to jettison everything they supposedly believe about decency and morality in the pursuit of aims which are articulated as being in the name of decency and morality.  You can kill people to stop murder.  Loot to stop theft.  Torture to stop torture.  Etc.

It’s all an emotional illness, a shell game, a front, a ruse, a lie, told by sick people to themselves and anyone stupid enough to listen to them.

Don’t buy it.  Nobody should get to fuck up for fifty years then claim that THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT.

Seattle?  Democrat Mayor, Democrat Governor.  Minneapolis?  Same.

Don’t let them fool you.  Don’t let them rattle you.  Cling to the truth.  Satyagraha.

Edit: one last point: it is very important to this process to never actually SOLVE the problems.  Look at Cuba.  If Communism worked, Cuba would work.  They’ve had control for 60 years.  But Cuba is a poor nation, an unfree nation, and a place where the basic dignities of life–like the ability to speak your mind–are denied, under pain of torture and presumably sometimes even now death.  They have universal education, but only in order to provide a conduit for propaganda.  They use their doctors as slaves to make money for the State.  Their “universal health care” is inferior to the worst care received in the worst hospitals in the US, for all but their own 1%.

But EVEN NOW, even in 2020, I have absolutely zero doubt that Raoul Castro and his henchmen continue to blame all their problems on the US, and Capitalism generally.  In a way, they NEED us, they need us as a straw man villain, they need us as a scapegoat.

Leftists both always need failure, and always manage to rationalize it.  The two go in tandem.