The guy on the left, they claim, invented mRNA.
Based on the data, these injections may very possibly be particularly harmful to bone marrow and ovaries.
It is also possible that the mass vaccination campaigns may lead the virus to evolve to a more lethal form.
All of this sort of thing needs to be in the public domain. Debates need to be happening. This is obvious. That fact is incontestable. In free dialogue, the best ideas tend to win out. We want the best ideas to win out. That means we need to use the means of free dialogue.
Nothing is gained by censorship. No lives are saved. On the contrary. Big Tech is murdering people, as surely as if they were putting their guns to people’s heads and pulling the triggers. They only fail to see this–and some may well see this and simply be making what are for them financial decisions, as for example if China is paying them a billion dollars for every major interview they censor–by lying to themselves, by being small minded idiots.