Leftists can tell you about every human tribe and race on the planet. They can describe to you all the marvellous and strange things they do. They can, in a situation requiring choice, describe to you with equinimity all the things you COULD do.
What they don’t have the capacity for, though, is moral DECISION. If all moral codes are right, how does one go about picking one? Simple: you don’t. You just try to be nice to everyone all the time and hope for the best.
This is yet another place where I really think the atheistic mindset–very prevalent on the Left–shortens perceptual phases, and prevents the emergence of perceptions that are very readily at hand for Conservatives, who in this country can generally be considered as Liberals, where Liberalism is the doctrine that “my business is my business and your business is your business; and the role of the State is to make sure it stays that way.”
Leftist are not Liberals because they want to use coercive power to remake society in the image of their personal biases, rather than let people be. Their own myths notwithstanding, most leftists support attacks on religion, absolutely refuse to negotiate on important issues to conservatives like abortion, and in general are only tolerant to the members of their own tribe, which has very uniform ideological beliefs, external, superficial differences notwithstanding.
The movement of people like Jonathan Haidt is that of adding butterflies to a box, without grasping them in any of the human ways which would otherwise be possible.
I myself am a Conservative Liberal. I don’t fit into his neat little typology. I address individual problems as they arise, on their merits.