The dangers we face are Mercantilism–which is the protection of private profit by the police power of the State–and Socialism, which is a moral abyss in which a tyrannical central government seeks to eliminate all wealth and difference in the name of “justice”.
At times, it seems, they pursue one another. Why else do Mercantilists–Wall Street bankers, to be clear, who had a money trust passed into law in 1913–support people like Barack Obama? In the final analysis, as long as they have the money, they call the shots, so it doesn’t really matter who is in power. Yet, for the socialists, the mercantilists pay for their projects. They get people addicted to the crack of easy money, then get them to sell their souls for support. The socialists think they are helping the country, so they go along.
The Golden Rule of this Earth is who has the gold, makes the rules. One can buy comfort for free, in the short run, just as Esau peddled away his birthright for some porridge. Yet, when you go looking for what you had, it will be gone.
One must pass through this world with eyes open. It does no good to hide from evil: it will find you.