In a shooting war, people who make things that go bang make profits. This makes some people think that the people who make things that go bang are behind our wars. It’s hard to say if this has any merit, but it seems clear that is not the full story. Nothing in life is that simple.
What I would like to suggest, though, is that there is a group of people–the same people, the money people we normally don’t think about–who make money in so-called Wars on Poverty. In both cases, money is borrowed. We pay interest on money.
Right now, some $400 billion is siphoned out of our pool of wealth annually, in the form of interest on our debt. That exceeds the amount we spent annually at the height of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. This happens year in, year out.
As long as money is being borrowed, the richest people out there will continue to get richer. Boeing and Halliburton are small fry, and the Left in particular needs to figure that out.
On that note, we should think of most socialists as sentimentalists given credit cards to help save the world. That is literally the case with most of them. If you like, you can add “war-mongers” given the same credit cards to go fight the enemies of democracy.
Both of them are bankrupting us.