Sterile footage of an actual hearing in Texas, in which the level to be classified a “COVID” case is lowered to the point of farce.
As I understand it, if you go to a bar, and someone who was at that bar is later formally diagnosed with COVID-19, in theory the State-wide standards could allow them to classify EVERYONE who was at that bar as a “probable” COVID case, particularly if they have a headache and fever the next day, even if it is obviously from their hangover.
And then, based on this, new disasters are declared.
This whole thing is a fucking joke. Not for the old and sick, obviously, but for most of us, whose lives have been turned upside down by the RESPONSE to what we continue to be told is the terrible danger.
Twain is always worth recycling: Lies, damned lies, and COVID statistics.
We are being played. And you know who is being hurt the worst? The working poor, those whose jobs involve face to face contact, and who have not been allowed to work for three months and counting.
Self evidently, this applies to the blacks, whose lives the white Communists ruining our streets say “matter” to them. They don’t matter. Nobody matters to them.