
Racial differences

An interesting question in approaching racial differences is to ask, not how they differ in terms of intelligence or other physical factors, but how they are spiritually different? Do races–and I am here conflating cultural patterns with ethnicity–differ in how they become Good, or how they approach God?

What is the best path to Goodness for African Americans? For Asians? For Caucasians?

This might make for a useful dialogue. Obviously some people would object to positing ANY difference, good or bad, but my thought here is that I VALUE cultural differences. I have no desire at all for African Americans to change who they are. I have no desire for Asian-Americans to change who they are. I like who I am.

What I want is MORE cultural diversity, not less, and within the context of that aim, this discussion MIGHT make sense. I am talking out loud, but thought there was sufficient potential for something useful to come from my post, that I am hitting the button.