
Retrogressive Sexuality

Watch this video “Doing the Continental”.
It almost made me want to cry with how innocent and yet fun it was. There is so much information in there, so much quality, such an open, expansive set of feelings, that complement in a wonderful way the hormones that were no doubt present as well.

Does this spirit still exist in this country? What are they playing in dance clubs, mainly? Hip hop. Music that is heavy, hard, aggressive, and focused purely on physical pleasure and domination. As I commented several weeks ago, we have had at least two big hits that dealt more or less openly with S & M. That is actually the name of Rihanna’s song.

Listen to this song for a few moments–Justin Timberlake’s “Sexy Back

This is the sexuality of machines. It is contracting, compulsive, and utterly devoid of pleasure.

Returning to the theme of a few posts ago, I think sadomasochism is best understood as an effort to get into the open a covert reality: that of being assaulted qualitatively. In regard to modern sexuality, I think most women are in effect assaulted the first time they have sex by doing it WITHOUT LOVE. Boys say what they need to to get in their mouth and pants, and then abandon them. This hurts.

Consciously choosing pain is perhaps a way of managing it. Consciously inflicting pain is a way of expressing anger.

This is all very sad. Socialism, as a doctrine which effectively requires women to act like men in matters of sexuality, and which requires men to act like women everywhere else, is not just unnatural and perverse, but very indicative of cultural decimation, and the impossibility of an innocent existence in an intact cultural space.

Socialism makes “home” impossible.