

I had what was for me a hard day. By many standards, it was easy. Still, I have had a bit of whiskey. More substantive, abtruse ideas occurred to me today, but I will content myself with this one idea.

What is a perhaps manageable but for mr obligatory element of existence is imagination. Specifically, I see, often, how things could and should be. I see what should have been, and was not. I see, in so many words, the aborted children, whose lives were not just ended by abortion, but by failing to conceive them in the first place. I see the people who died, and were thus unable to father or mother anything. I mean this primarily figuratively, but literally as well.

I see the human waste brought about by gratuitous wars, and by murderous economic policy, of the sort visited by the vicious Leftist West on the Third World lo these last 60 years or so. I see the unnecssary dirt floors, and the unnecessary political murder, torture, and incarceration. I see flippant, grandiose, self congratulatory snf utterly reprehensible Western academics eating Thai food, feeling morally superior for their “stances”, but feeling NONE of the sufferings their idiotic ideologies actually lead to.

It is one thing to feel the pain of the world: another again to see it against the backdrop of what was possible, and willed out of existence by stupid and greedy people, none of whom were Capistalists, and all of whom arrogated to themselves the right to speak on behalf of people they neither understood nor actually cared about.