I have been seeing over the past several years cases of “conservative” who either don’t understand what it is the creed stands for; or who are active fifth columnists, who are adopting the mantle of conservatism in order to disrupt it.
It is important to grasp that for Leftists their politics is their way of life, their source of meaning. It is as inconceivable to them to listen openly to other voices as it would be for an Italian to pretend he was Chinese. Their entire sense of self, the part of us that holds our worlds and our lives together, depends on conformity to the notions that: “liberals” help the poor and downtrodden; that they are good for the economy; that they are the ones who support freedom; and that they have helped the world in aggregate, through economic aid, and by opposing wars of “oppression” and capitalist “exploitation”.
All of these notions are wrong. For years I have asked them in their own blogs and websites to justify themselves, and they can’t do it, in the face of determined, principled and informed opposition.
What they can and do do is disinform and sneak around. They engage in character assssination, and censorship. They engage in the social terrorism of demonising and protesting violently anyone and anything their leaders upload into their soft heads as “not like us”. They oppose all “alterity”–to use an academic term ironically and quite accurately–whatsoever.
Now, I have a strong personality. But it never migrates by default to insult. Yes, I can and do make general characterizations like those above regularly. These are not prejudices. They are “judices”, if I might coin a term, which are based upon intimate and sustained familiarity with the breed since before I entered college.
And you can speak usefully of the breed, in a way you cannot, for example, speak of African Americans, because conformity to a core ideology DEFINES it. If you don’t subscribe to that ideology and worldview, then I am not talking about you.
In any event, I am blocked currently from posting at Pajamas Media and Front Page Magazine, and as I mentioned just had a comment removed from Forbes. With regard to Front Page I believe David Horowitz made a serious error hiring David something, who seems to have de facto control of the blog. The guy spent his entire college career as a hard core Leftist, wrote a dissertation on David, and then somehow had some sort of epiphany which led to becoming a conservative. I don’t buy it.
PJTV, no idea what the issue is. I have never posting anything insulting or vulgar–certainly not of the sort that is to be seen regularly on there. I suspect there is someone editing the blog who is either really wobbly as a conservative, or an outright leftist. I knock heads when I debate. It’s a full contact sport, but it never, ever devolves solely to personal attacks on my part. That is always a species of idiocy to me, and I leave it to my opponents, who as a general rule start and end with it.
Yesterday or the day before I was very disappointed to read an article on the lightbulb controversy by Jonathan Seidl–at “The Blaze”–that was more or less an open apologetic to the leftist view on this. Yes, Republicans were involved, but the crop in office had just been handed a decisive defeat by Democrats in 2006.
This lightbulb law is a patent infringement in free markets in America. What that means is that powerful corporations–GE in particular–are using law to accomplish de facto monopolistic power that a truly free market would not have given them. We the consumers lose. The law is not necessary. If the bulbs make economic sense, they will sell themselves. If they don’t, then we are being forced to buy an inferior product at inflated prices.
Further, these things generate mercury vapors when broken. They have to be recycled by professionals. What this means is that this law is going to enable gangsters–a lot of waste disposal companies are run by Teamsters, who are largely run by gangsters, especially on the East Coast–to vastly expand their business, and probably rationalize the Federal Government imposing a law REQUIRING us to recycle.
No true conservative would fail to see these things; or to oppose the basic idea of the Federal Goverment interfering in our liberty. There is no difference between this, and mandating the level of nicotine in cigarettes, the alcohol in booze, the type of breakfast cereal we can buy, the kind of fans, and dryers, and washing machines, and hair dryers, etc, etc, etc we can buy. NONE of this was granted them in the Commerce Clause. They arrogated it to themselves, and cowardly politicians and judges–my contempt for the Supreme Court is in general quite profound, and greater than that of politicians, since the Justices (so-called0 do not have to worry about reelection, and are granted time to think about the consequences of their decisions–have let all this stand.
The net with regard to this post is that “by their fruits shall you know them”. If it looks like a chicken, and runs like a chicken, it is probably a chicken. We live in a sea of fools and cowards. I say this not JUST because I am being irritable–that I am, for cause, some well beyond the business of anyone reading this–but because on balance, from where I am sitting, that is the disgusting reality.