First off, I think we should leave it to the Left to use petty issues to castigate their opponents. Obama’s vacations are not the issue: it is what he does when he is in office. We should be grateful when he leaves, since every time he does, he stops making things worse.
But what I wanted to say was that I don’t think he is as recreationally oriented as we think. Yes, he golfs, but when I look at him in my mind at Martha’s Vineyard, what I see are a group of men gathered around a table mapping out a strategy, in exactly the way military leaders would. We don’t know who the other men are, but we can guess readily enough the sort of men (and women) they are.
What they are producing will appear to them the work of genius, and to the rest of us like crayon scribblings with dabs of feces.
The point, though, is that when he is on “vacation”, he can surround himself with people he would not normally invite to the White House. That is why he has to leave so often. He’s not lazy, except in his thinking.
I will add that this “bank” he is apparently going to propose was done during the Great Depression, and didn’t work then either. It will be another “stimulus” wrapped in the external trappings of being a business, which of course it won’t and can’t be.
Actually, I will add as well that when we hear infrastructuretechnologyeducation what we need to transpose in their place is ineedtogetmoneytomybasetogetreelected.
This is very simple propagandistic use of business terms to convince us to buy things we don’t need.
Mexico could probably use infrastructure. We have a national highway system that works well, and is not impeding our economy in the slightest.
We create new technologies constantly, in the private sector.
We spend more than 3/4ths of the world on education already, and much more than almost every nation that is beating us. The problem isn’t money, it’s how things are structured. What we need is competition among schools, to give children choices. Vouchers are a self evident and simple way of doing that.