Keeping it interesting: please keep in mind that if you are going to vote in a primary you MUST in most States be registered for that party, in this case as a Republican. If you are a Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, or Other, you can only vote in the General Election, not the Primary.
Depending on where you live, if you are changing affiliation, it amounts to reregistering to vote. You have to fill out a card–which you can likely get at your Post Office, or Dept of Motor Vehicles–and send it in, typically some period of time before the actual election, so they can get your name on a printed list of registered voters.
An added note of interest: Paul is seemingly very healthy, but he is 76. That is older than Reagan was in 1984, at age 73. Now, Supreme Court justices routinely serve into their 80’s, but that is a different animal.
For me, I view the system as not just broken, but as having been broken for many decades. So much money is always at stake, every election, that it is striking just how hard BOTH sides of the political spectrum are working to keep Paul from even being mentioned. With no chance of winning, it seems Michelle Bachman gets more air play than he does.
Therefore, if my choices are Mitt Romney the person–rather than Mitt Romney the way he is talking right now, which I am fine with–and Newt Gingrich, I will vote for either in a General Election against Obama, but I would like to see Paul get his day in the sun to see what trouble he can cause for those who steal our money and get away with it every day.
As I say often, I am sympathetic to the basic Marxist idea that there is a power elite; I just don’t think Marx was clever enough to pick the right targets. He simply did not understand the job of a Capitalist: that of having the idea for a company–which is to say a needed product or service–and then organizing it such that it was sufficiently useful to produce a profit in a competitive market.
It is indeed ironic that many of the worst abuses of privilege happen under Leftist regimes, who in centering all power on a monolithic government thereby position it to support an unjust class structure based solely on access to the centers of power.