Here is Santorum’s position on cutting spending, plank one in his program: “Commit to cut $5 trillion of federal spending within 5 years.”
That sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? But you know what? It doesn’t mean a fucking thing, and it pisses me off.
Once you learn how these fucking clowns ruining our country do their math, you realize that what he is almost certainly talking about is cutting $5 trillion from planned INCREASES in spending, and that spread out over as many as a ten years or more. He may be talking less than the $20 billion–one sixth of what we borrow MONTHLY–Romney has planned to cut from the annual budget.
I want to be crystal clear: if we do not elect Ron Paul, it will not make one fucking bit of difference if we reelect Obama or any of the other three knuckleheaded cowards running for the Republican nomination.
WE ARE GOING BROKE. THIS IS ALL SERIOUS PEOPLE SHOULD BE THINKING ABOUT. Period. All of our power–political, economic, military–depends on being able to pay our bills. We will lose our liberty within 15-20 AT MOST if we keep electing crass cowards and fools. This is the simple and unavoidable truth.
For my part, I see no serious reason to object to a third party run by Paul, if he can’t get the nomination. There is so little substantive difference fiscally between Obama and the Bobsey Triplets that I really would prefer the chance of Obama to the certainty of futility; and in any event, Mitt Romney is the only who would even be able to beat Obama.