In my understanding, the consensus view among quantum physicists is that “reality” is a meaningless concept. Practically, “it” seems to come into being when it encounters consciousness. Since we are by definition conscious, most professional physicists simply bracket the question of what is really real and focus on applied science.
Yet, if consciousness creates reality, then what we observe in the apparently “outside” world can quite plausibly, even within the more or less consensus model, originate within our own psyches.
Given this, it is interesting to wonder if the apparent discovery of the Higgs boson is not the result of the universe crying uncle after 30 years of thousands of physicists praying devoutly, even if not consciously, for just this miracle.
For my part, I think that the concept of intrinsic mass will at some point need to be abandoned, and the Quantum Vacuum/ Zero Point Field taken seriously, which to this point very few paid physicists have been willing to do.