What I would argue we have, though, is a window through which we can continue to pour light. We need to donate MORE to conservative lobbying groups like Campaign for Liberty and Freedomworks, and RANDpac in the event of a Romney victory, to keep him from getting wobbly.
But as I said a month or so ago when Bernanke announced QE forever, the fact that the Fed more or less came out in support of Obama is to my mind at least encouraging. Maybe Mitt is to some extent bought, but maybe he’s not an honest politician in the sense of someone who once bought, stays bought. Maybe there is a fear he may play to the right, may listen to the right, and may actually act on principles he really does have, but rarely exercises.
One can hope. These are possibilities. No matter what, though, we have to remember that we have a $3 trillion Federal government we need to reduce by at least half. My take is that the best simple thing most of us can do is work to educate people, and donate to on-going efforts to duplicate on the right the organizational strength of the left. The truth is that we are right and they are wrong. Our ideas make things better, and their ideas make things worse. Truth is a powerful thing, when allowed to run free.