Look at our culture. What are people living for, who do not have religion?
I was pondering the other day, there is really no limit to how soft people can get. You can sit in front of a computer and eat Hot Pockets all day, and play video games all night. It’s not hard to do, and many people do that.
How do you become a human being, a “mensch”, in such a world? It’s nearly impossible.
And look at how Hollywood has conditioned so many of us for cruelty, for sadism, for violence.
I am told Game of Thrones featured regular torture scenes. Certainly, 24 did. I watched that at the time, long before I realized 9/11 was an event staged with the help of elements of our own national “security” state.
Falling is always easier than struggling upwards. The people pushing all of this have a simple proposition: join us in our hole, and we will make you one of us. You don’t have to do anything, but everything we tell you.
And this “game”–and it is not a fun game, but it is a system with no intrinsic purpose outside of itself, outside of the game itself–exists on a continuum. Anyone capable of voting for Joe Biden has already taken the first step in belonging without existing.