As I understand it, the plan was to raise taxes on those making a million or more. EVERYONE should have grasped that this increase was purely symbolic. It will have no effect on our national debt, our annual deficits, and little effect on the people it was targeting.
But why the fuck do you think Democrats keep winning elections (Hint: like the one they just won)? Because they effectively portray Republicans as the party of greedy white men. What IN GOD’S NAME DO YOU THINK BLOCKING THAT TAX INCREASE SAYS? Huh? Any answers? I’m waiting.
Principle is a means to an end. Every decision any one makes about anything is a means to an end. The principle of less government means more freedom. More freedom is a means to greater self development. More self development is a means to greater happiness, and happiness, itself, can be grown. It is a proper end.
But the end, here, is less government, is it not? Do we help or hurt that cause by giving people more reason to vote for our ideological opponents?
I reiterate: fuck you, jackasses.