
Sixty Second Habit

I got this email from Barry Joe McDonagh.  His Panic Away program is excellent.  I have never had panic attacks, per se, but I have had attacks of grief that were so intense they were functionally identical.  I would encourage anybody barely holding on, and afraid of getting pushed over the edge to get his program. It’s quite simple, but effective.  It gives you defensive tools that are well worth the investment.

Importantly, it was with hearing his approach–welcoming and encouraging negative emotions–that I realized how to process my own emotions.  You have to go through them. You can’t go over or under them.

In any event, this is a cut and paste, and looks like a good idea to me:

This is the world’s most powerful 60 second habit:

Get a small notebook and within 30 minutes of
waking each morning write down just one thing you
are grateful for.

Just one thing and it should not take you longer
than 60 seconds to write it down.

Done. That’s all you have to do.

This one simple habit is worth more than
bars of gold. I am very serious about that.


Universities around the world have studied the
art of gratitude and scientifically proven its benefits
as one of the surest ways to improve a persons
sense of well being.

Here is one example from Dr. Robert Emmons of the
University of California at Davis and Dr. Michael McCollough
of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas:

“The first group kept a diary of the events that occurred
during the day… the second group recorded their unpleasant
experiences, [and] the last group made a daily list of things
for which they were grateful.”

The results of the study indicated that daily gratitude
exercises resulted in higher reported levels of alertness,
enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy.

Additionally, the gratitude group experienced less
depression and stress, was more likely to help others,
exercised more regularly and made more progress
toward personal goals.

According to the findings, people who feel grateful are
also more likely to feel loved.

Wow…Isn’t it incredible to think you can tap into all that
through a simple 60 second habit done daily!

Each time you write one thing that you are grateful for,
imagine it like you are making a priceless deposit into
your emotional bank account.

It may be the best thing you do all day.

So let’s start this powerful habit together on January 1st
and get 2013 off to a great start.

60 seconds is all it takes but if you are feeling
a resistance to this, like it might be too much

of a commitment then do it just for one week
and see what changes you notice.

You can post your comments and progress on this blog
post here

I will check back in with you at the end of the month and
do a survey of those that have participated.

Some quick pointers before you begin:

-Get your small notebook ready this week and place it
somewhere you will have easy access to it. Be sure it’s
a really nice notebook so that it feels important and
special to you.

-Don’t start until January 1st!  Helps build suspense.

-If you struggle to come up with things each day
to be grateful for, write these questions in at
the back of notebook.

What am I truly grateful for in my life?
What relationships do I have that others don’t?
What do I take for granted?
What freedoms, unique abilities, and options do I have that others don’t?
What advantages have I been given in life?
Who has helped me recently?
What happened yesterday that I am grateful for?

Looking forward to hearing how you all get on. You can post

your progress here