What I think we need to make crystal clear is that the word “terrorist” has been used as a backdoor way of creating this category in the United States, with the drooling support of intellectual midgets like John McCain and Lindsay Graham.
Terrorist=enemy of the state, whose rights are no longer protected.
The most recent National Defense Authorization Act allowed the President to declare ANYONE, including Americans who have been charged with no crimes, terrorists, and their rights as Americans–Writ of Habeas Corpus, the right to trial by jury, the protection from forced self incrimination, and others–vitiated. Ended. Gone.
Via NDAA, citizen becomes terrorist becomes enemy of the state. And not unsurprisingly, Obama stated clearly that he feels he has the right to kill Americans, even when they have not yet committed a crime, nor are an imminent threat to do so. He recanted publicly following Rand Paul’s filibuster, but given horrific crimes like Fast and Furious, and Benghazi can anyone doubt his compliance with the laws of our nation is merely a matter of rhetoric and political convenience?