In this article, a former Inspector General details being fired for not laying down by ignoring a clear case of the abuse of public funds, within the context of trying to determine why the IRS IG failed to even start to do his job, much less complete the work.
Since the IG is effectively tasked with rooting out fraud and abuse, it is very significant that Obama has not replaced IG’s who left for whatever reason in many of his most important departments, including State, Interior, Homeland Security, and Labor.
Here is his testimony about the loss of his job:
“That reality was made apparent to me — and, through what happened to me, to all IGs — when I supported my staff of longtime dedicated civil servants, who had recommended taking action against one Kevin Johnson, a former NBA player who had misused, for personal purposes, about $750,000 of an AmeriCorps grant intended for underprivileged young people. What I did not then know was that he was a friend and supporter of President Obama — a fact that caused the proverbial you-know-what to hit the fan.
Without detailing all that happened, the bottom line was that I started to receive pressure to drop the case against Mr. Johnson. When I declined to repudiate my staff’s work, the guillotine fell: I was summarily telephoned that if I did not resign in one hour, I would be fired. And I was, along with my special assistant, John Park. The Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote of my firing: “The evidence suggests that [President Obama’s] White House fired a public official who refused to roll over to protect a Presidential crony.””
From here: