
Our Mechanical World

Do we live in an age of partial affection?  I see so many married couples, so many committed relationships, so many friendships where the depth of feeling is absent.  We merely coexist, in too many cases, and props like social media, and for the younger texting, help spare us the full burden of this truth.

And in any event, what can most of us do about it?  We live in a superficial world, characterized by ubiquitous shiny little lives on our TV’s that are mostly lies.

Do you understand that the obsession the United States has with work and efficiency and progress is also the result of a type of propaganda?  The French, most of whom take off the month of August, view us as delusional.  In some respects I think they are right.

Are we more advanced than, say, a Plains Indian nation in the 1600’s, which lived in peace within their own communities, waged war rarely, and within which everyone felt ennested, welcome, a part of the whole?  In which traditions gave structure and purpose to the days, and the full reign of emotion–affection and anger–was possible?

It seems likely that certain globalists, certain narcissistic power elites, want to try to recreate something like a tribe on the global scale.  They can see it in their slimy little minds, but fundamentally, in the end, they are discussing and contemplating the fates of OTHERS.  They do not intend to descend to the roles the rest of us are to play.

I am being a bit–I don’t know what the word is–but I am in an odd mood.  Happy Sun-day.  Tomorrow will be Moon-Day.  And as a reminder, we are in the month named for Julius Caesar.  Next month it will be Augustus, and then the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months, in what is a quite odd arrangement, if one thinks about it.

How can one fully track all the relics of the past?  To do so, I suppose, one would have to be fully present now.