
Here is an interesting idea

Obama is the Commander in Chief, correct?  In that capacity, he is a member of the military.  As such, he is required only to give lawful orders.  If Congress specifically repudiates his war with Syria–as a proxy, apparently, for Saudi Arabia–then giving the order to fire cruise missiles is illegal.  Given this, is not the penalty for breaking the law being arrested and put on trial?  Could the military arrest him, after disregarding his illegal orders, for the same reason that Lt. Calley was arrested?

It would take some stones to do that, but if we are going to get our nation back on track, these sorts of ideas should not be disregarded out of hand.  Obama is getting people killed for political reasons, and he is doing it in patent violations of the law.  Who stops him?  At what point do we start valuing the laws of our land, after considering that all of them were put in place for reasons which are just as valid today, if not more, than they were 200 years ago?