
Religion and Liberalism

My word of the day is seemingly “Liberal”.  It’s a good word, even if it has been corrupted by awful people for use in anti-Liberal propaganda.

As I have more or less stated, or at least implied, my long term goal is to create what could be called a religion.  I have called it a church.

But as I ponder it, what I want, at the very heart of the thing, is a mechanism for evolving, for changing, and for changing without contradicting the core of the “creed”, to extent I have one.

Provisionally, I like my three “Goodness” principles, of rejecting self pity, persisting, and continually moving perceptually.

But other precipitates are likely, given a group.  What I want to build into this cultural system, and this belief system, is the same flexibility that true Liberalism–when deployed by sober (in the good sense), well intentioned, sensible people–allows.

When you look at historical religions, they are relatively inflexible.  There is only so far you can get from the Torah in Judaism, the New Testament in Christianity, the Koran in Islam.  There is only so far you can depart from the teachings of the Buddha, the Tripitaka, the 12-fold path.

What we need for the future is something which can grow over time, which can take on an organizational thirst for ever-increasing efficacy, as oriented around the goals of human well-being understood in the deepest possible senses.

Can Science and Belief not dance?  I think they can.