A report has come out noting that even the very flimsy, implausible NIST version of the Tower 7 collapse omitted structural supports which were in fact there, making even the flaming curtains hypothesis untenable.
It further notes that even though the collapse of structural steel was the defining feature of what they themselves note would be the first skyscraper collapse EVER due to fire, none of the steel was examined. They also, of course, failed to test for thermite, but that is old news.
Finally, they note that many reports in the news media were talking of an impending collapse for hours before it happened. Here is the point I wanted to make: this story started somewhere, and that somewhere was someone involved in the conspiracy. It is not impossible that someone with sufficient dedication could track back to the first report, and see where it came from.
Self evidently (in my version of things), when United 93 failed to show up, the people who had rigged that building to blow had a problem. If it were left intact, the bombs would over some period of time be found. They could not all be removed.
But 47 story skyscrapers don’t just collapse. They figured they had to prep the media, and so they did. Then they blew it, to cover their tracks.
And our media is so craven and incompetent that by and large they have gotten away with it to this very moment.