You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet; and if you never actually get around to making an omelet, at least you got to break a few eggs.
This is why I call it Cultural Sadeism. The punishment is the point, not an incidental by-product. Egalitarianism rests on a deeply rooted emotional need to place people on Procrustean beds and cut their limbs or rack their bodies.
Resentment–and Socialism is merely a cover for an intellectually respectable, if not defensible, expression of resentment–is the creed of those incapable of self directed happiness.
And I will say this: I am decreasingly inclined to anger at evil. Some people need to be stopped–they need to be confronted in public, they need to be imprisoned, and some are likely best just put to death–but when I look at evil what I see increasingly is human beings turned into machines by trauma. They are trapped, and do not know they are trapped. Evil feels like a way out, but it cannot be escaped.
Goodness is freedom. Goodness is happiness. Goodness is creation, love and contentment.
And it is inherently generous. When you can make more than you need, it is pleasurable to give it away. We assume that what people most need are things, but this is of course stupid. What everyone needs is love, which is to say a sense of being understood, of being accepted, and of being safe. And being safe can mean having the freedom to take risks. We all need risk in life.
What sane loving mother would protect her children from all possible harm? Put another way, what sane, loving mother would build a cage around her children and call it love?
Yet, this is precisely the Socialist project.
Few musings. I had not intended to write that much.