
Peter Levine

I am finishing up Peter Levine’s marvelous book “In an Unspoken Voice”, and have decided his basic thesis is absolutely correct: we are in most important respects animals who use math and language.

As he notes, this knocks us down a few notches from standard religious conceptions, but the USEFULNESS of his ideas make this a necessary conclusion.  I am still processing this.

What I will say for now is that even if one grants, as I do, that we are driven in large measure by primitive instincts that have NOTHING to do with reason, this does not mean that there is not a next evolutionary, and spiritual step we are meant to work on.

The evidence that the mind and brain are severable is to my mind conclusive, which means that some larger dimension is at play.

It is perhaps my confusion and vexation about needing to adapt to his thesis, though, that accounts for some of the aggression in my past few posts.  I have to reframe in important ways who I think I am, with I suspect very important qualitative gains to be had for so doing.

There is zero doubt in my mind that his ideas need to be multiplied and deployed.  Whatever is next, it goes through learning to process trauma intelligently, which is to say somatically and instinctually, which is to say as animals.