

I need to pass along and post political stuff from time to time.  I am going to try again and stop doing it on Facebook.

Here are a couple of excellent videos:

I am increasingly of the opinion that Islam is very simply not compatible with tolerance and human decency.  Particularly in the second video he talks about how it is commonplace in many western European countries for very organized, demonically evil efforts to be made to destroy young girls through sexual torture.  The girls targeted are usually 12-13 and socially marginalized.  Exactly like individual sexual psychopaths, Muslim men have well tuned antennas to who to approach, flatter, get drunk, and gradually drag down a path to where 13 year old girls are having to sexually service ten men in a room.  It is planned.  It is coordinated in groups.  It is socially accepted, and perfectly consistent with Islamic doctrine.  Muhammad himself took sexual slaves–to be clear, women who were captured in combat, and whose husbands were quite often killed.  He married his favorite “wife” when she was 6, and had sexual intercourse with her when she was 9.

Ponder the profound psychopathology of that.  Of the man who stood at the very center of everything Muslims (Slaves of God) hold dear.

As I have said, good has been made of Islam, in my view most notably through the Sufis.  And clearly not everyone who is a Muslim finds the idea of sexually abusing children attractive.  But many, many do.  And there is nothing in their culture which one can point to to tell them it is wrong.

I really don’t think Islam and everything that is good about our civilization–human rights, equality before the law, property rights, individual conscience–are compatible.  It will have to be one or the other, and even though cultural suicide is always an option, it is the option not just of cowards, but of people who have lost all capacity to speak of or for human Goodness.