This is a long speech by a former high level FBI officer (I assume his claim is true). Here is his Wikipedia entry:
He apparently was considered to head the FBI as a whole. This guy is not a kook.
1) The first World Trade Center bombing was the result of a bomb provided to an informant by the FBI, named Emad Salem. The FBI had, or should have had, foreknowledge.
2) The Oklahoma City bombing was also done by the government. It used something called a barometric bomb.
3) 9/11 of course was also an inside job. I have posted extensively on this, and am evolving to the conclusion that our government–parts of it, not all of it, or even most of it–were involved.
4) There seem to be cults operating in the US. This case is much more circumstantial, but not absent either.
Here is a video he mentions I have not yet watched:
We need to remember that most people are good. Most people object strongly to such evils. We are not helpless, even if ALL this is true.
I feel I should add as well that it’s 3 in the morning, and I”ve been at this 4 hours. I am perhaps missing some obvious objection, but it seems to me, logically, that people who are nuts do not rise to be considered to head organizations like the FBI. There has to be a history of competence, analytical intelligence, organization, drive, and integrity.
This is the first time I’ve seen this allegation with regard to the first WTC bombing, but as I noted some months ago, the case is clear that Oklahoma City cannot be explained as ANFO bomb.
Here is a copy of a letter written by an Air Force Brigadier General with (according to him) considerable experience in bomb damage assessment saying it could not have been the result solely of the alleged sole source:
That’s enough for tonight.
Edit: I got a shitty night’s sleep, but am awake enough for now. Gunderson says there are I think he said 60,000 human sacrifices a year in this country. That sounds absurdly high. If he said 100, I could see it.
I don’t know what to believe. I go in and out of this conspiracy theory. 9/11 my mind is 100% rock solid on, and once you take that trip down the rabbit hole, a whole lot more comes to seen possible. I’m going to leave this alone for a while, though. I served my cause of summoning fear, and distracting me from inner work I would otherwise have been doing, but that’s not really a very good cause.
I will return, though. I will return.