

I post this in part because I want to remember it and am feeling too lazy to journal it.  I can type 5-10 times faster than I can write, and it has the added merit of being legible.

I was dreaming last night I was driving, and construction kept interfering with my path.  I was trying to go somewhere, but endless concrete loops and dead ends were in my way.

So I got out, grabbed my car, and climbed up a steep rock embankment–using one hand to get handholds, since the car was in the other–to get myself back on the highway I wanted.  I have never carried a car before.  That was new.  It wasn’t that heavy.

I really want to break through some old limiting behaviors, and feel I have found some good strategies for doing it.  I will have more to write on the specifics once I hit some behavioral benchmarks I have set for myself.  It’s far better to speak of what worked than what might.