I was a a foul mood most of this past week, which had something to do with some specific things which happened, but also something to do with the lockdowns I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
I figured it out yesterday. The lockdowns are damaging to my nation and people. They are stupid, anti-scientific abuses of power and corrupted expertise.
But what is really pissing me off is how fucking stupid people have to be to buy into all this. The shut ins. The people who look at me in terror when I don’t have a mask on. The people driving with masks, or walking alone with them. They are not doing that because they are required to–they are doing it because they are scared.
This applies especially to the young. Literally every other cause of death is more dangerous to the under-30 crowd than COVID. Car wrecks, cancer, even THE FLU, are all vastly more likely to kill them, especially if they take even modestly good care of themselves.
I talked with a number of people this past week who know people have had it. Out of the perhaps 15 stories I heard, not one was hospitalized, and only two even had anything approaching a normal illness. Most of them were a bit tired a day or two–allergies was the comparison I kept hearing–and then nothing. Nothing.
What are those of us–as I see it–able to see through this fog of bullshit supposed to do? Take over the Governor’s mansion? From what I can tell, a very large segment of our own populace would oppose this, and self evidently the left wing media would have a field day with the “crazy radicals”.
Long term left wing corruption of our schools has had the planned effect, which is making people stupid. We now know that fluoride in the water does the same thing.
Here is what I am telling myself: logical reasoning results in truth; emotional reasoning–which is a different, non-verbal, but still iterative process, results in calm. I need to work on my emotional reasoning skills.