

Few points:1

1) People like the Samuel L. Jackson character exist.  There are people who view humanity as a virus.  This is not an empirically valid argument: we are not killing off the Earth, nor is anything remotely like that foreseeable in the next hundred or more years, after which we will have made a collective decision one way or the other.  Global Warming is a farce.  It cannot and should not even be factored into the Gaia conjecture.

And I want to repeat, that this hatred must be seen as self hatred.  It represents the failure of intellectuals to deal with their own baser impulses, of aggression, greed, lust, sexual desire; as well as what I have termed Qualitative Repressions, which is their need for belonging, community, love, tenderness, and affection.

It is not different in principle, in my view, from the psychosocial roots of Fascism.  They want mass death.  They see the Earth as innocent and ALL of humanity as guilty, which is a long step past anything Hitler attempted.

2) Many people in positions of authority are complicit in these schemes of global conquest. It was interesting that they chose to more or less directly implicate Obama.

What a beautiful day, though, if instead of assassinating all the proles, as these elitists want, they themselves–ONLY the guilty–were put in their place instead.  Imagine the Earth the day after Eggsy’s triumph.  Most all the heads of State, gone.  Most all royalty, gone.  Most ueber-rich, gone.

The Democrats like to play the populist card, but you will not find anything in their playbook like William F. Buckley Jr’s claim that he would rather have the first 100 names in the Boston phone book running the country than the faculty of Harvard.  Democrats, CLEARLY, would want the eggheads (was Eggsy perhaps a play on this?).

3) Many of these people seem nice.  Sam Jackson (it’s my blog, and I’ve never understood the need for the middle initial) wore an OM necklace, and had pandas just like the World Wildlife Fund.  They seem nice because their ideology has enabled them to repress their inner feelings of rage and hatred, all while planning to vent them through proxies that enable them to sustain the lie.

4) The church scene was oddly gratifying.  It was, again, the zombie theme.  The all against all.  The primal rage and destructiveness that Political Correctness and the Cult of Nice have attempted to cull out of us, but which have simply submerged, to reappear in the vicarious enjoyment of scenes like that. It is the gut gone wild, the animal part of us, which having been without “food” for so long, no longer recognizes any boundaries.

5) The two balloons were testicles.

That’s all.