
Forest and the trees

I got one emailed response, from a professor at Princeton:


Please note that I
don’t wish to get into a debate. There are many books and many university
courses on the role of money in the economy, you need to begin
This is useful on several levels.  One, I now know that the emails are getting through at least some of the Spam filters.  I send them one at a time to reduce the chances of this.
Two, I think I can view this response as representative.  They have been solving the problems created by our infernal system so long they can no longer think outside of it. I honestly think the entire DISCIPLINE of Economics exists in large measure to help address the problems fractional reserve banking creates.  If people were not fucking with our money, everything would run itself.  There would be no cause or reason to even contemplate government tampering in the economy.
But I seem to be the only one saying this.  Certainly, Murry Rothbard and some others like him understand the predatory nature of fractional reserve banking, but no one to my knowledge has proposed fixing it by reversing the theft.  I’ve seen calls for full reserve banking, but never for fixing the money supply and never changing it.  The most radical people merely call for a return to the gold standard.  But gold can be mined, and the only TRUE gold standard is using gold itself for currency.  Money STARTED as a stand-in for actual specie.
I don’t know if I enjoy being a tribe of one, but I value immensely the feeling of independence from the need to think like other people. I can come and go as I please, and explore what I want, how I want.  I answer to no one.
This, by the way, is why I’ve never made any serious effort to become a paid writer.  I tried for five minutes with Front Page Magazine–actually, a little thing within the overall enterprise–but my first piece got shot down, and I realized that having an editor may as well be conflated with having an intellectual jailor [edit, in an non-obvious decision of irony, I chose to conflate jailer and captor.  I can do that: it’s my blog], at least where I am concerned.
My piece was on the fact–which I’ve posted on here somewhere–that at least $15-$20 billion of the so-called Stimulus appears to have vanished entirely.  They used a system in which they only knew money had been allocated by being informed by people who had received checks.  Turns out many of those who said they got money didn’t exist.  The money vanished. The obvious conclusion is that this money was diverted to black ops.  By whom, and to what purpose, of course, only those involved know.  But Congress has never investigated this.  Only in a United States budget is $20  billion an unimportant sum.  But it would pay to harden our energy grid against an EMP roughly 10x over.

2 replies on “Forest and the trees”

Even if I only speak for myself (which I don't), you are not a tribe of one. I recently completed college courses in Economics and Finance. My eyes have been opened to the greed and lack of integrity that define both of those aspects of our world.
In regards to the inequality angle as explained by dear Mr. Bernanke, he has no idea of what spews from his mouth. The only people that should take his words as truth are his neighbors in Puppetland!
Ever since I finished the classes I mentioned, I have been struggling to understand how things have gotten this way and I am even more concerned for our future. I too want a major fundamental change for our country, one that frees us all from the views of the enlightened few. Are we too far gone or are we already too firmly in their grasp?

Keep up the good work!

Randy, thank you!!! I certainly don't need praise to carry on, but it is nice to hear from time to time that I am doing some good and not preaching to the wind.

As far as whether or not we are too far gone, I have no idea. My personal credo is that it is my responsibility to do what I can, as long as I can. I have no need for hope. The rest is out of my hands. Never let fear of failure or uselessness delay you from taking any small action you can. All large things come from many small things.

If you haven't read it yet, my treatise may interest you:

I have a lot of other essays/treatises over there as well that may be of interest.

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