

We are really seeing the perfection of propaganda in the sliming of Donald Trump.  I will say a few obvious things, because our entire nation appears to have gone dark–the media, in any event, and those who follow it.

First and most obviously, there is a huge difference between opposing immigration and opposing illegal immigration.  My ancestors and his ancestors came here legally.  The government received us with open arms, and our ancestors and ourselves are productive citizens who pay taxes and take nothing from the government we didn’t put in first.

Second, there can be ZERO doubt that illegal aliens, and their legal children, are putting a strain on American employment and wages. I do work periodically in Texas and Arizona and have talked particularly with electricians down there, and wages have dropped roughly $5/hour in the past 10 years due solely to competition from people with green cards, and new immigrants.  We have many tens of millions of un-and underemployed who were born here.  We owe our fidelity first to our fellow country men and women, not to people who were born elsewhere.

Third, Mexico itself has very draconian laws criminalizing severely illegal immigrants in its own country.  If you are a Guatamalan, or El Salvadoran, or Honduran and they catch you there, they lock you up in jail for several years, and then deport you.

Four, it is not our fault that Mexico has a shit economy.  Every chance they have gotten for 100 years they have voted for the person promising them free stuff.  Corruption is endemic.  Most crime is not reported because the police either don’t care, or because they participated in it.  That is not our fault.  It is not our role in the world to provide a refuge to every person on the planet suffering abuse.  We can and have provided refuge for many tens or even hundreds of millions over the past two centuries, but we have limits.

There is nothing wrong with loyalty to ones countrymen and women that is stronger than that to people born elsewhere.  It is a common virtue practiced in Mexico and the rest of Latin America, and no doubt around the world.  Speaking common sense has become a thought crime, and that alone should cause all of us considerable angst.  I do wonder sometimes if the kids at our indoctrination factories might one day revolt en masse at the integration propaganda they are being subjected to, and start doing black-face pantomines that their black friends still find funny, but it seems doubtful.

Absent major changes, it seems our future is a continued shrinking of our public domain, of our actual mutual respect, of actual social and emotional skill, and of actual connection.

Again, I have ideas I am working on to do what I can to address this.  I will do what I can to remain positive.

Edit: I often follow the news not very carefully.  He apparently said Mexicans were bringing drugs and rapists.  Well, most drugs that come from out of the country come from Mexico.  I have been arguing now for some time that we should legalize everything, and put the drugs lords out of business, and end the drug wars.

As far as rapists, the thing with completely unregulated immigration is that there will be criminals among them, and it is clear that Obama has caught and released a lot of these people.  Our laws are not being enforced when they are politically inconvenient.  There is no display of principle or caring for protecting the innocent from the guilty.

Trump is obviously brash and crass, but he is saying things many people are thinking–with considerable justification in my view–but few have the balls to actually say.  Yes, our press is effective at personal attack and vilification, and most large corporations can be counted on to fold immediately under any pressure, now, but of what use is freedom if we live in fear?  Fear is the product of Political Correctness, and it is the intended product.

And I will note that it is applied equally to minorities.  Blacks who vote Republican, or gays who say that gay couples shouldn’t raise children face the same fate as whites saying things that people have been conditioned to view as unacceptable.  They are attacked and ostracized.  That is not civil society, and that is categorically illiberal.